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SDI™ Commercial


  • Salt-free (no brine waste)

  • Tunable TDS reduction, up to 90 %

  • High water recovery, up to 90 %

  • Automated operation and cleaning

  • Patented technology

  • Simultaneous water production


  • Households

  • Laundromats

  • Restaurants

  • Public places


SDI Power board & SDI Cell

[Power board Specification]
* Voltage(V) / Current(A) : 300V/3A
Frequency (Hz) : 50/60
* Dual Operation
[SDI Cell Specification]
* Electrode : Bipolar
* Flow rate : max 20L/min
* Inlet TDS : max 2000ppm
Commercial SDI-N2D

Flow rate : 300L/h ~ 1200L/h
Inlet TDS : max 2000ppm
* Power requirement : 1000W
* Weight : 80Kg
* Dimension(mm) : W570 X D430 X H793

Commercial SDI-N2D-modular

* Installed SDI-Cell : 4 units
* Dual Operation
Dimension(mm) : W1900 X D640 X H1800

SDI™ VS water softeners using ion exchange resin

SDI™ Commercial reduces TDS.
SDI™ Commercial is easy to use because regeneration and cleaning are operated automatically.
SDI™ Commercial requires no salt-regeneration process.
SDI™ Commercial is environment-friendly because it produces no brine waste.


특허청 Korean Intellectual Property Office INNOBIZ 기술혁신형중소기업 중소벤처기업부 Ministry of SMEs and Startups
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